RSi is proud to take an active role in positively contributing to our environment by reducing our carbon footprint for the betterment of the future. RSi is committed to adhering to social and economic best practices and sustainability standards by conducting business in a way that meets the needs of its stakeholders while building a sustainable future.

Examples of our commitment include:
1) As a hybrid workforce employer, more than 75% of our workforce is remote/virtual, reducing emissions and other related impacts from daily commutes.
2) We communicate with employees via in-person or digital means, unless print and/or mail is necessarily required.
3) We provide re-usable products and recyclable containers for employees located in our physical workspaces when possible.
4) We purchase and use rechargeable batteries for equipment when possible.
5) We choose to work with local (in-market) vendors whenever possible to minimize personnel, product, and services transport.
6) We donate unneeded home or office equipment and/or unused furniture, or other materials to organizations or scrap metal locations to be recycled, refurbished or re-purposed.
7) We encourage conservation of electricity in offices by turning off lights in rooms not in use, enable conserve energy modes in computers and monitors, and use revolving doors when entering and exiting buildings, where applicable.